I remember when I was a kid back in the 70's my Mother called at the door of a young couple who showed interest. It was the 70's so the guy had long hair and faded jeans, the girl had beads around her neck and was wearing faded patched jeans etc. My Mother was fastidious about keeping the required house to house records and also wrote their names and address in her own "Return Visit / Back Call " book and made a note that said "Young Hippie Couple" to remind herself of their conversation.
When she called on them again, she left her "Return Visit" book open and the young woman saw the note and said indignantly "We're not Hippies !"
Mom was embarrassed of course and tried to explain that to someone of her generation, anyone with long hair and faded jeans, was what was they though of as a Hippie, which of course isn't true.
Try as she might to apologize, the young woman suddenly lost interest and my Mom learned a hard lesson about not pigeon holing people based on their appearance. Mom always felt that the ministry was a life saving work and keeping accurate house to house records was of utmost importance so that no one was missed. She worried that she may be held responsible for "stumbling" a potential sheep in this particular instance.
I think she'd have felt better had she known that 4 decades later, the end didn't come after all and in fact they would be told not to keep house to house records at all.